Come Out From Among Them!

I had to have a talk with my son recently about how he is spending his time. If he’s not on his iPod, he’s playing video games on the PS3. When he’s not doing either of those, he’s watching movies. He has grown so addicted to the virtual world, he has little interest in doing anything in the real world. Know any kids (or adults) like that?
I explained to him that it’s fine to enjoy those things in moderation, but if he doesn’t limit the amount of time he spends on them on his own, I will be forced to cut him off.
Not because I hate him and don’t want him to have fun, but because I love him and I want what’s best for him.
I don’t want him wasting all of his time and energy on temporary things that have no lasting value. 

For too long, the contemporary church has been obsessed and addicted to entertainment and pleasure. We’ve been so preoccupied with pursuing these things, we have left little, if any, time or resources to spend on what we are actually supposed to be doing – reaching the world.
But it looks like those days are coming to a close. The entertainment industry is becoming so bad, a Christian can hardly enjoy any of it without having to suppress his/her conscience in order to do so. And unless there is some kind of miracle, before long no one will be able to afford the excess and pleasure we have grown so accustomed to. A friend of mine who has been a pastor for 30 years received a word years ago that he believes is from the Lord, which says, “Revival won’t come to the western church until the idol of materialism falls.” Wow, that stings a bit.
Imagine what the church would be capable of if we weren’t so distracted? What on earth will we do if all we have is the Lord and each other? (Forgive my scarcasm)
We need to rediscover what our true purpose is. Why are we here and what should we really be investing ourselves in?
Regarding our relationship with the world, God says this, “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, says the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you.
And will be a Father unto you, and you shall be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.” 2Cor 6:17,18

Christians should be IN the world, but not OF the world. We are to be living in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom we shine as lights in the world, holding forth the word of life. Instead of the world influencing us, we are to influence the world with the light of the gospel.

Which is more true of you? Are things out of balance?Are you so consumed with wordy pursuits that you have little left to invest in what really matters? Think about it. Spend some time with God and gain a right perspective on life. Then, live it!