Is God Fair?

Is God dealing us all a fair hand? Let’s see.

I definitely don’t have much of a green thumb. I don’t know what the heck I’m doing when it comes to planting trees and bushes. I had a $150 tree die on me this year. My problem? I put it in a spot with too much shade, while giving it too much water. The bushes I planted next to it seemed to do just fine. In fact, they tripled in size.
I think I’m just gonna have to hire someone to figure out my landscape.

Do you ever look around at other people’s lives and wonder why they have it so good? Perhaps you look at the fate of some and wonder why they have it so bad? In many cases, people are simply reaping what they have sown in life, but in others, it seems like their prosperity or their trials are the results of circumstances beyond their control.
This is where faith in God’s divine sovereignty over our lives comes into play. In whatever circumstance, whether it is what we call ‘good’ or ‘bad’, we trust that our Father has our best in mind in the midst of that situation.
The person in the depths of despair over some trial may look across the aisle and see another who is on the pinnacle of success and seems to have it all together. The person who seems to have everything going for them looks across at another who is in a bleak predicament with seemingly no way out.
As we look across the landscape of Christian experience we sometimes wonder, “Is God fair?” We forget that God has created each person as a unique individual and each of us will flourish in our growth and our relationship with Him under different circumstances.

Some plants will flourish under plenty of sunlight, with little water, while the same sun would surely scorch another.
Some require plenty of both to survive. Some need only a little sunlight, but require lots of water, while that same amount of water would drown out another.
So our loving Heavenly Father, by His divine providence, has placed each of us in different circumstances in order that we may grow into the men and women He desires for us to become. Like a master Gardener, he plants us each in the place where we receive the right exposure to the sun, the shade, and water to maximize our growth and keep us healthy.
The success or prosperity that some flourish under would be the undoing and the downfall of others. The deep flood waters of trial and suffering, though they produce abundant fruit in the lives of those who endure them, would surely drown those whom He withholds it from.
Whatever situation you find yourself in today, if you are a child of God, know and believe that your present circumstance is His divine providence over your life, and He has your best in mind at the end.
Rom 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
2 Cor 4:17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.
Be at rest and enjoy the peace of knowing you are in the able hands of the God who loves you today.