Share What You Have Been Given

Imagine a man who walks around every day with a briefcase filled with millions of dollars. He minds his own business and pretty much conceals his wealth to the rest of the world by trying his best to fit in and live just like they do.
Every time he passes by a homeless person or someone in need, he has a desire to help out but tells himself that he doesn’t have the training to do it properly. He sees the commercials with starving children, but doesn’t bother to help feed them because he doesn’t think he is gifted in that area. So he keeps what he has hidden away while the world around him suffers.
Then one day he meets another man who also walks around with plenty of money. But this man is constantly giving out of his resources to those in need. He is always ready to open his hands and give to the poor. No matter how much he gives out, it is always replenished with even more abundance. The first man asks him how long it took to learn how to share his wealth. How he can be so bold and do such incredible things? Where did his gifting come from?
To which he received the reply, “It’s not a gift, silly! I’m just doing what I’m supposed to do.”
Sadly, many Christians are just like our first man. They see the world around them suffering from the consequences of sin, and on their way to an eternity in hell, but rather than sharing the riches of the good news with them, they mind their own business and live their own lives. Rather than sharing the treasure they carry around in an earthen vessel, they keep it to themselves while the world around them suffers, consoling their guilty consciences with the assumption that they don’t have the gift of sharing the gospel.
Then they meet someone who is constantly going around telling a lost and hungry people about the marvelous gift of eternal life in Jesus Christ. No matter how much resources are spent, God replenishes it with increasing abundance. They admire the person and ask how they do it, to which they receive the reply, “I am an unprofitable servant. I am only doing that which is my duty to do.”
Saints, there are some things we don’t need further instruction about. We are all told to be a light and a witness to a lost and dying world. The gift you need to share your faith is the same gift you would need to feed starving children. It’s called compassion.
Look out across the landscape of the world and see things from an eternal perspective, and let your love for your neighbor motivate you into action. One thing is for sure, we won’t be sitting around in eternity wishing we would have done less to reach them.
God has given you everything you need for this task, and he will continue to provide as you spend yourself in it. Dont be a selfish Christian. Share the good news! People are worth the effort. Go for it!

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