
My little boys one day decided that they would try to shove as many discs into the dvd player as they could. As you can imagine, they broke it, and they knew they were in trouble. A brand new matching dvd player cost about $700, which of course neither of them had. I called the repair shop and it was going to cost $160 to fix it. Between the two of them, they didnt have that either. So guess what happened? Dad spent the money to get it fixed.
Only about a month later, my two boys had the same great idea. I came home and the dvd player was jammed full of discs once again. Since we had been over this before, they ought to have known better. Now they were really in trouble! So what do you suppose I did? Did I demand that they empty their piggy banks? I already mentioned that they didnt have enough money to fix the dvd player between the two of them. Did I agree to let them do some chores around the house to make up for it? No. I forgave them.
Their insufficient funds won’t get the dvd player fixed. I like it when my kids help their mom around the house, but that still isn’t going to fix the broken dvd player. The plain and simple fact is, the only way that thing was getting fixed is if dad steps in and pays for it.

You and I have broken God’s law. Not just once, not twice, but more often than we can even remember. If we look into our piggy banks, we just don’t have what it takes to pay God off. If it came to paying God off somehow, we have empty pockets. In addition to that, any good works we offer are also entirely inadequate, and as such are actually offensive. No amount of good deeds can fix what we’ve broken, or make up for our sin.
Giving money to the poor, helping little old ladies across the street, and mowing the lawn at the church can’t satisfy the demands of eternal justice. We’ve broken God’s perfect law, and the penalty is death.
God knew there was no way any of us could fix what we’ve broken. So He stepped in and paid the penalty for us. Jesus Christ suffered and died to pay for the sins that you and I have committed. His blood can now wash away our sins. He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not for our sins only, but also for the sins of the whole world.
We can come to God in faith by calling on the name of the Lord and be saved, freely forgiven and given life. Or, we can neglect this great gift of salvation and try to earn our own way. But to do so is an insult to grace. Especially when our works are completely insufficient. Appealing to good works to forgive sins will do about as much good as washing the dishes will do to fix a dvd player.
Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord. Receive the free gift of forgiveness and salvation today.
God the Father has stepped in and fixed what you have broken through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. His love and forgiveness is available right now.
Receive it!