The Right Perspective

Do you make every effort to share the truth with your lost friends and relatives? If not, why? Can you seriously think of any good reason? The following quote should put things in perspective for you. Which one of these are your reasons? To be honest, I don’t really think that either reason is in fact the truth, but what else could we expect them to think? How do you suppose the Judge will treat our laziness on the Day of Judgement? What kind of grand explanation will hold up when all our feeble excuses are laid bare before the eyes of the God of the universe?
This quote is not from a contemporary Christian leader. It may surprise you…

Listen to what Nobel prize-winning American physicist Steven Weinberg said in a recent PBS interview regarding religion: “I have very good friends who belong to religious denominations whose teaching is that since I don’t accept their teaching, I am damned for all eternity. And you would think that these friends would try to convert me. But they never do. Now, you could explain this in various ways. It may be that they really don’t like me very much and are just as glad to see me damned for all eternity-that’s a possible explanation. But another explanation which I tend to think is more likely is that although they know what their church teaches, they give lip service to it.” Our unconcern for the lost shows that we merely give God’s threat of Hell mere lip service. Shame on us. There goes another minute. Gone forever. Go share your faith while you still have time.

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